

九年级, only Math courses are leveled as College Preparatory (CP) or Honors; all other courses are not leveled. Freshmen also have the ability to test into a higher level World Language course depending on their prior coursework. Beginning in Grade 10, courses are offered at the College Prep and Honors levels. 所有学科都提供大学先修课程(AP). Cheverus encourages students to challenge themselves and take the most rigorous good-fit course offered. 学生 who earn a year-end grade of an A- or higher in a College Prep level course can enroll in an Honors and/or AP course. 学生 already enrolled in an Honors or AP course and who earn a final grade of a B or higher can maintain their enrollment in an Honors and/or AP course. 荣誉课程和AP课程可获得额外的0分.学生平均绩点25分.

At the AP level, students are required to move quickly through college-level material. 学生 must satisfy the course prerequisites and minimum grade requirement for enrollment in an AP course. 每个部门都有自己的入学先决条件和要求. 请参阅个别课程的说明 学习计划. AP课程是为期一年的承诺,在5月的AP考试中达到高潮, 目前所有AP课程的学生都可以选修哪门课程. 希望参加AP考试的学生需要支付相关费用.

A two-week add/drop period at the beginning of the school year enables a student to fine-tune their academic program without a record on a student’s transcript. 未经教务助理校长明确同意, 在第一份进度报告发布后, 退修课程的学生成绩单上会出现“W”或“退学”字样. 学生 with extenuating circumstances who would like to add a course in exchange for a dropped course after Quarter 1 Progress Reports may make an administrative appeal with the Assistant Principal for 学者.

天博全站app下载有四个季度发放成绩单. 还有四个季度中期的进度报告机会. 父母/guardians and students have continual access to monitor grades through the Family Portal. 会议安排在晚秋, but teachers are available by phone or email to discuss a student at any other time. Questions about academic progress should always be brought to the attention of the teacher first. 学生指定的指导顾问也可以提供帮助. 

在Cheverus, students are encouraged to be independent learners and advocating for themselves is an important component of this. The opportunity for frequent personal consultation between a student and teacher has long been a hallmark of the Cheverus experience. 每周有一天下午,每位老师从下午2:20-3:00有空.m. 为学生提供额外的帮助. 任何有意愿的学生都可以利用这个咨询期.

Cheverus offers resources that may assist students with diagnosed moderate learning disabilities. 然而, 课程的需求与设计, 配合学校的课程表, 不允许我们在学生的IEP中实施所有建议. Cheverus is committed to providing certain accommodations to students with documented learning disabilities. 请注意,这些是住宿,而不是修改. 修改表明类的要求发生了变化, 比如要求学生完成一半的数学题. 天博全站app下载提供各种学生支持服务, 比如教学支持, 哪些可以在我们的 学习计划. We encourage families to submit a copy of their student’s IEP or 504 plan to his/her Guidance Counselor for review.

Academic honors are awarded twice during the academic year on the basis of cumulative GPA points earned for the first and second semesters. High Honors recognition is awarded to those students who earn all A’s for semester grades. 获得3分的学生可获得荣誉表彰.0 average or better and do not have any grades below a C+ among their semester grades.

总共25个.修满5学分才能毕业. Freshmen are required to take a minimum of 7 full credits during their first year; sophomores, 初中, 大四学生每年至少要修6门全学分课程. 毕业必须满足以下条件:













社区服务(55小时+ Arrupe服务项目)


天博全站app下载提供了一个 茎文凭 to signal the necessary coursework and co-curricular experiences to become college and career-ready in STEM. This designates that a student has elected to concentrate their studies in science, 技术, 工程, 和数学. 这些需求, 哪些突出了天博全站app下载的STEM课程, 会鼓励学生走出他们自然的舒适区吗. 每个学生都可以根据自己的具体兴趣定制STEM要求. STEM文凭的其他要求包括, 但不限于, 科学和数学的额外学分, presentation of student-generated research to an external body such as through the Maine State 科学 Fair, 服务, 以及在STEM领域的领导地位

学生 may take online courses through the Arrupe Virtual Learning Institute (AVLI). AVLI由耶稣会学校的教师组成,包括我们自己的天博全站app下载教师. 学生 with strong independent study skills and expectations of commitment similar to an onsite course (estimated at 7+ hours per week) will be most successful. AVLI课程可能需要数字在线会议, 包括积极参与讨论区, 博客, 维基百科, 还有其他项目. While Cheverus encourages students to take courses on campus with live teachers, we recognize that there are students who have an interest beyond our course offerings and have the motivation that exceeds what is possible to take in our daily schedule. AVLI课程可满足毕业选修课要求.

通过与 St. 缅因州约瑟夫学院, select courses from Cheverus High School can be granted college credit with an additional administrative fee. Those students taking courses for college credit will do so on our campus during the regular school day. 这些大学学分课程的老师是我们自己的教员. 提供双学分的课程在我们的 学习计划.

All students have a required summer reading assignment as part of their 英语 courses. 作为我们 社区阅读计划, all students and 教师 read a book that unites the community and animates the mission of our Jesuit school. Additional summer coursework may be required as part of other courses and can be viewed here.

联合国的使命 社区阅读计划 is to promote critical reading, community discourse, and action to be people for and with others. 每年夏天, the Cheverus community reads a book that unites the community and animates the mission of our Jesuit school. This shared read provides our community a chance to deliberately build a culture that promotes social justice and 服务. It is a conversation starter that is also intended to unite all of our academic studies. 学生, 工作人员, 教师, and administration will participate in the read and support the focus with programming throughout the year. Small cross-grade discussion groups and independent student projects follow the summer read in the fall. 想看我们在以前的暑假都读了些什么,请访问 学习计划.